Thank you to my readers, my friends and my family for your support:

Albert D. Gonzalez, who never wavers in his belief in his crazy writing mom

Michael A. Gonzalez (in perpetuity) who flagged down the “ting-a-ling” in our neighborhood to buy a raspa. He was so excited he forgot to buy a jumbo pickle.

Tomasa and Alberto M. Morales, my parents, the best of the best, who gave me a foundation based on faith and love that has seen me through many joys, challenges and sorrows

Amelia Garcia, my sister (and husband, David-in perpetuity), who gets people to attend my booksignings especially when she can’t go herself

Nora Morales, my sister, who reads my books and makes sure I don’t use phrases like “He administered a caress.”

Dora Calderon (and husband, Javier), my youngest sister, who motivates me to make positive changes in my life,

SARA (San Antonio Romance Authors) for their support and wisdom

SLHW (Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio) https://www.facebook.com/groups/208526345836497who gave me the courage to write the stories I was meant to write

The Next Chapter, a group of special women writers, who support me and make me feel as if I am a real writer, and have also helped me to grow my writing in a more literary direction

The Wild Rose Press, https://wildrosepress.com/ who gave me my first chance at publication by publishing my debut book, “Too Late For Romance”; thank you for allowing me to write the stories I need to write

Mary Lou Solis, my biggest fan

Lidia Cruz Carrisal, loves to read my books

Malena Andrews, a reader I met at the Fall Into A Book Giveaway sponsored by the Isn’t It Romantic Book Club https://www.facebook.com/groups/isntitromanticbookclub. She also won an e-book copy of my book, “No Accounting for Love’. Thanks, Malena!